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I am trying to use a quadrotor with ROS moveit! The driver node of the quadrotor publishes a tf tree, which contains odom, base, frontcam and bottomcam, where odom is the parent frame of base and base is the parent frame of frontcam and bottom cam. Besides this diver I am running a Slam algorithm, which publishes another tf tree, which contains two frames, map and sensor.

When setting up moveit with a urdf model, I create a virtual link between the map frame from the slam algorithm and the base link of the quadrotor. When I launch the resulting demo.launch I get the following warn messages:

[ WARN] [1448659454.360465559]: Unable to transform object from frame 'ardrone_base_frontcam' to planning frame 'Map' (Could not find a connection between 'Map' and 'ardrone_base_frontcam' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.) 
[ WARN] [1448659454.360597000]: Unable to transform object from frame 'ardrone_base_link' to planning frame 'Map' (Could not find a connection between 'Map' and 'ardrone_base_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.) 
[ WARN] [1448659454.360687375]: Unable to transform object from frame 'ardrone_base_bottomcam' to planning frame 'Map' (Could not find a connection between 'Map' and 'ardrone_base_bottomcam' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.) 
[ WARN] [1448659454.360741781]: No transform available between frame 'odom' and planning frame 'Map' (Could not find a connection between 'Map' and 'odom' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.)

Apparently I need to publish transforms to connect the trees and have only one. I see the following problem: on one tree odometry is being published from the IMU. I am not interested in this data, I only wish to represent the pose of the urdf model in rviz with the data from the Slam algorithm. I would like the base of the quadrotor to share the pose output from the sensor frame.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks

EDIT1: I cannot provide the tf frames right now because I do not have the quadrotor with me, for now, I can give a brief explanation of this. I am using visual slam Ptam so in one tree I have map and sensor, where map is the fixed frame. In the other tf tree I have odom followed by base and the two children of base are frontcam and bottomcam. In this post ( [http://answers.ros.org/question/216826/robot_localization-tf-tree-structure/] I read that there would have to be a static transform between world and odom. I have found no files for parameter configuration.

Originally posted by Lolita390 on ROS Answers with karma: 31 on 2015-11-27

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by paul3333 on 2021-03-04:
@Lolita390 where you able to solve your problem? Im facing the exact same issue right now.

Would be great if you could share your solution!

Comment by jayess on 2021-03-06:
Please don't use an answer to leave a comment. This isn't a forum

Comment by paul3333 on 2021-03-08:
Sorry about that.

Comment by jayess on 2021-03-09:
No worries


1 Answer 1


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In fact, your slam node should broadcast transformation from map to odom. It seems missing.

It may be helpful if you can post the screenshot of rosrun tf view_frames output and your content of launch files with any relevant parameter (or .yaml) files.

Originally posted by Akif with karma: 3561 on 2015-11-28

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by Lolita390 on 2015-11-28:
I replied in EDIT1.


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