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I am trying to publish CAN data to a ROS topic. I followed the talker tutorial and am using the suggestion on this question: http://answers.ros.org/question/213645/running-can-radar-on-ros-through-raspberry-pi-2/?comment=218160#post-id-218160

#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "socketcan_interface/socketcan.h"
#include "socketcan_interface/threading.h"
#include "socketcan_interface/string.h"

void handleFrames(const can::Frame &f){
    // handle all frames
    LOG(can::tostring(f, true)); // lowercase: true
void handleFrame123(const can::Frame &f){
    // handle specific frame
    LOG("123? " << can::tostring(f, true)); // lowercase: true

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    can::ThreadedSocketCANInterface driver;
    if(!driver.init("can0", false)) return 1; // read own messages: false

    can::CommInterface::FrameListener::Ptr all_frames = driver.createMsgListener(handleFrames);
    can::CommInterface::FrameListener::Ptr one_frame = driver.createMsgListener(can::MsgHeader(0xFF32), handleFrame123); // handle only frames with CAN-ID 0x123

    ros::init(argc, argv, "data_raw");
    ros::NodeHandle n;
    ros::Publisher canbus_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("canbus", 1000);

    while (ros::ok())
      std_msgs::String msg;
      std::stringstream ss;

      ss << all_frames;
      msg.data = ss.str();

      //ROS_INFO("%s", msg.data.c_str());

      //ROS_INFO("%s", std::cout<<"all_frames is of type: "<<typeid(all_frames).name()<<std::endl);


  return 0;

This line LOG(can::tostring(f, true) will print the CAN frame to the console like:


This line canbus_pub.publish(msg) prints to a rostopic canbus but no frame data:

data: 0x1e9db80
data: 0x1e9db80

How do I get the individual CAN frames to print to the topic?



Originally posted by Droter on ROS Answers with karma: 90 on 2015-09-24

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by Mathias Lüdtke on 2015-09-25:
This code cannot compile! Please move std_msgs::String msg; into handleFrames. The CAN-IDs in the LOG outputs look strange, too. I have to check can::tostring next week.

Comment by Droter on 2015-09-25:
I found this package. Maybe it is a better place to start. https://github.com/juancamilog/canbus_interface

Haven't got it working yet.

Comment by khairulizwan on 2015-11-13:
Any good news about this? Please advice me how to us it...


1 Answer 1


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This interface works well. I haven't tried sending but it will publish CAN data to a topic.


Originally posted by Droter with karma: 90 on 2015-10-04

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by khairulizwan on 2015-11-13:
Any good news about this? Please advice me how to us it...

Comment by Droter on 2016-04-26:
This package has been updated to include a new CanFrame2 msg that includes a bool for extended. https://github.com/jeremy-a/canbus_interface

Comment by yaovincent on 2016-06-28:
I am a newbie. I installed the package,but I am sure it been installed correctly. I used rosrun to find the command, but i can not find any command about the packet. Any command to prove the packet is installed correctly?


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