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Why when I call

rostopic echo /svh_controller/channel_feedback

I get:

name: ['Thumb_Flexion', 'Thumb_Opposition', 'Index_Finger_Distal', 'Index_Finger_Proximal', 'Middle_Finger_Distal', 'Middle_Finger_Proximal', 'Ring_Finger', 'Pinky', 'Finger_Spread']

position: [0.05220882358116796, 0.0899018990503464, 0.15354111584201746, 0.10189999742578948, 0.15404356030194322, 0.1026399974070955, 0.11117555604869267, 0.11235155605390901, 0.2843675514932329]

velocity: []

effort: []

and so I have value of current positions but I haven't value of velocity and effort? Then is the effort the contact force???

Originally posted by Alba on ROS Answers with karma: 20 on 2015-04-28

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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only name and position is used:

channel_targets (sensor_msgs/JointState)

Target position the channels (fingers) shall move to. Note that it is less performant to give targets for individual channels or a subset of the available DoF than providing it for all at once. If 8 channels are given instead of 9 the driver will send 8 packets instead of 1 which might influence serial device performance. Only the names and positions will be evaluated from the JointState message.  

Originally posted by inflo with karma: 406 on 2015-04-28

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by Alba on 2015-04-28:
How I can read the value of current or effort?

Comment by inflo on 2015-04-28:
with rosparam

Comment by Alba on 2015-04-28:
"effort" isn't in the list of setted parameters.

Comment by heppner on 2015-06-09:
The Rosparams with "currents" are the values you set for the current controller ( the low level driver of the hand). PLEASE be very carefull with these! Also they will at the moment only be read during startup of the node and are not changable at runtime.


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