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Hi, I want to read current position and the value of current at every instant to control the grasps online. Can you help me? Thank you!

Originally posted by Alba on ROS Answers with karma: 20 on 2015-04-27

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by inflo on 2015-04-27:
channel_feedback (sensor_msgs/JointState)

Current position of the channels (fingers).

Comment by Alba on 2015-04-27:
Yes, I know that I can use channel_feedback, but I don't know how I can use it, because I try calling: rostopic echo svh_controller/channel_feedback and it prints messages to screen, but how I can use the current data to update the channel_targets?

Comment by inflo on 2015-04-27:
you could send it with "rostopic pub ..." or write a node which publishes to channel_targets


1 Answer 1


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Ok. I solved my problem, I can read the current position calling:

rostopic echo svh_controller/channel_feedback

Originally posted by Alba with karma: 20 on 2015-04-28

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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