I am on Ubuntu 10.04 and I have ROS Electric installed. I am following these instructions and I am on Step 3 (Generating the URDF): http://wiki.ros.org/nxt_lxf2urdf/Tutorials/Creating%20a%20simple%20robot%20model%20using%20lxf2urdf.py#Renaming_and_Positioning_Links
When I input the command rosrun nxt_lxf2urdf lxf2urdf.py robot.lxf robot.ldr >robot.urdf
I get:
[rospack] WARNING: cannot create rospack cache directory: Permission denied
[rospack] WARNING: cannot create rospack cache directory: Permission denied
[rospack] Unable to create temporary cache file /root/.ros/.rospack_cache.cSxwgs: Permission denied
What to do? I am fairly new to Ubuntu and ROS.
Originally posted by Joelac0193 on ROS Answers with karma: 41 on 2015-04-06
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2015-04-07:
The error seems to suggest you once ran things as the root
user ("[..] file /root/.ros/.."). Can you think of a reason why that would be the case? Your normal user does not have access to that directory, but a typical ROS installation wouldn't need a dir in /root/
Comment by Joelac0193 on 2015-04-07:
Well whenever I do anything in the terminal I always input this command: sudo -i
Comment by Joelac0193 on 2015-04-07:
Nevermind I got it. I input the command sudo -s and it worked. Thanks