Hello, thanks for the help!
I tried to release two ROS packages recently. Let's focus on the one called lyap_control. I had my upstream repository, which I built with catkin_make. The package was indexed (per here) and then released (per here).
To test it post-release, I installed the package with 'sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-lyap-control'. So far so good. But, when I try to run it with 'rosrun lyap_control controller', it can't find the package. Tab complete doesn't work for controller but it does work with lyap_control. So I guess it's finding the package but not the executable.
Browsing the package files in /opt/ros/indigo, there's not much there. There's a msg folder, cmake folder, and package.xml in /share. But no cpp files and no executables, as far as I can tell.
So what do I have to do to get the debian released properly? I would strongly prefer if the user didn't have to clone my repo and build from source.
P.S. my gut feeling is that the catkin work space is in the wrong place. I'm working with Ubuntu 14.04 and Ros-Indigo.
Originally posted by AndyZe on ROS Answers with karma: 2331 on 2015-03-14
Post score: 1