Looking for advise on what is a reasonable approach re: initially implementing a simple roam/avoid behaviour?
I do want to get this to progress to autonomous map building and navigation. I'm not sure what the best way to build up to this.
One way I know I can achieve this is to have a node subscribing to the laser scan and issuing fwd/left/right/rev commands depending on the distances reported from the laser scan. I wanted to know if there is a more "out of the box" ROS way to achieve this?
I have the raw messages and topics available (tf, odom, cmd_vel, laser_scan) and I've used "steering" in rqt to drive the robot and have looked at the links below, not sure if they are quite what I want at the moment (I know I'll need them later)
Originally posted by MarkyMark2012 on ROS Answers with karma: 1834 on 2015-02-03
Post score: 0