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Hello Folks,

I am in need of a GPS device that currently works with ROS that has a better accuracy than 1 meter.

Does anyone have any suggestions or information that could help.

Originally posted by T00Tall on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2014-12-10

Post score: 1


2 Answers 2


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Clearpath tends to supply the NovAtel SMART-6 when clients need such accuracy. It'll go down to 2 cm if the right upgrade options are selected, a base station is available, and everything's configured properly (warning: Don't underestimate the configuration time). It works with the standard navsat driver as well.

Originally posted by Ryan with karma: 3248 on 2014-12-10

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 3

Original comments

Comment by T00Tall on 2014-12-10:
Thank you for you're answer. Do you happen to know of any database of nmea compatible devices? To top off my request I forgot to mention we need the device to be relatively small.

Comment by Ryan on 2014-12-11:
I can't think of any database, no. AFAIK, GPS devices which can't be configured for NMEA output are rare.


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You can run any device that provides you NMEA ASCII output to the serial port in ROS using the nmea_nav_sat_driver http://wiki.ros.org/nmea_navsat_driver.

E. g. we use a predecessor device of TopCon's GR-5 (http://www.topconpositioning.eu/gnss/integrated-gnss-receivers/gr-5) with UTMS RTK support to reach sub meter accuracy; no additional ROS driver needed!

Originally posted by Wolf with karma: 7555 on 2014-12-10

This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2


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