I need to make a code to move the turtlebot both the simulator and the real robot, I've done this code in c ++ but need to run the same in C pure, which will use the functions that receive parameters and bring back the topic as a library in pascals. I wonder is this possible and how can I do!
Thank you
Originally posted by leobber on ROS Answers with karma: 15 on 2014-11-05
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by dornhege on 2014-11-05:
Do you need actual pure C as in compile as C or do you want a C-style code or do you only need a C-interface to some functionality?
Comment by leobber on 2014-11-05:
I initially need a C code that uses teleoperation for turtlebot if possible would like it to be in C, but I saw reports that I have to make a code in C and functions to send and receive a code C ++ to communicate with the ROS, if so help me, too, am new to developing for ROS. Thank you