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I am putting a place a mobile robot with mecanum wheels. For my robot to be driven I would like to be able to specify a desired velocity to the platform (a twist) and have the robot decide itself about the velocity of the wheels (joint velocity) that lead to this desired twist: this is what I call the mobile platform's IK. This IK is not so complex to compute but I am afraid I do not understand where to perform the computation in ROS. So what is the best practise to implement this mobile IK? And where should I put the code?

I had a look at the husky packages but could not find anything relevant. I am pretty sure many robot simulations do have the same need and implement this, no?

Anyone having a better understanding than me? Any example code?



Originally posted by arennuit on ROS Answers with karma: 955 on 2014-09-17

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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For most robots that include a mobile base, a robot (or mobile base) specific driver package is created, which includes functionality like you describe. The husky packages are examples of this.

For a more generic, plugin, type approach you might take a look at the recently announced diff_drive_controller for ros_control.

Originally posted by gvdhoorn with karma: 86574 on 2014-09-18

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by arennuit on 2014-09-18:
Hum, this is a good start, I'll dig in this direction... Thanks Gijs ;)


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