I am working in a lab which does not allow direct internet access. Basically the way that we download packages and such is to ssh into another computer with internet access that can get these files. So installing anything over the internet is still possible.
However, there is a problem with two things: 1. running "rosdep init" and 2. setting up ROS keys.
Both of these seem to want to directly access GitHub in order to complete their task. I have directly obtained the sources.list file that rosdep init uses and it is now on the computer. However, rosdep init still wants to access GitHub even though the sources.list file is now on the computer and can be accessed without the internet. What can I do to circumvent this problem?
Eventually I think I will run into the same sort of issue with setting up the ROS keys, but for now I just want to solve the rosdep init problem.
I found this other question that I think is related, but it seems that the problem was not solved: http://answers.ros.org/question/132911/rosdep-init-error-when-running-without-internet/
Thank you,
Originally posted by clarkeaa on ROS Answers with karma: 51 on 2014-08-11
Post score: 1