has just been catkinized in source repo, although I haven't tried it out. You may want to try it out and feedback should be appreciated.
Originally posted by 130s with karma: 10937 on 2013-04-29
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by HenryW on 2013-04-29:
ahh excellent, thank you! Will experiment with it today and will give feedback when I can :D Thanks heaps
Comment by HenryW on 2013-04-29:
Ok, have downloaded and have rosjava_core in "~/catkin_ws/src/rosjava_core".
Running catkin_make in "~/catkin_ws" however is giving build error "Execution failed for task ':rosjava_test:compileJava'? Can't find a solution, but appears to have been reported at least previosuly
Comment by HenryW on 2013-04-30:
Feedback so far: When running either "catkin_make" or "./gradlew install" rosjava is unable to find rosjava_test package. I put a report on the git stie here
Comment by damonkohler on 2013-05-07:
Can you roscd to test_ros? Is it in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH?
Comment by HenryW on 2013-05-08:
will test that tomorrow, I know I can roscd in rosjava_core quite happily. The test_ros "pakcage" is stored within a subdirectory of rosjava_core. Would assume it would be able to see it, but will check tomorrow, cause you are probably right
Comment by mbforbes on 2014-05-01:
@HenryW I know this is a year later, but did you have any success? I'm also trying to use rosjava with Groovy and am hitting the package test_ros does not exist
error when I try to build.
edit: NVM, using wstool then building worked, strange..