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Hi, I'm using Pionner 3AT + Sensor Kinect to capture point clouds. I'm use the p2os (teleop_keyboard) to controll robotic and rgbdslam_freiburg to capture the point clouds, I don't have problems for to use these processes separately, the problem is when I use the two together. What must I do to rgbdslam package receive the commands to capture the point cloud (ex: "enter" key)? I have the same doubt with joystick.

Originally posted by lf.wil on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2013-04-23

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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I assume your problem is controlling the Pioneer remotely and using rgbdslam at the same time. You could try using rgbdslam in headless mode and use the frame service call. As for controlling the Pioneer with a joystick remotely, you can try a multiple machine setup with a desktop PC running the joystick node.

Originally posted by georgebrindeiro with karma: 1264 on 2013-04-24

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by lf.wil on 2013-07-10:
Thanks! I used rgdslam in headless ode and got sucess.


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