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I am unable to find openni_grabber.h file in pcl/io folder. Do I need openni_grabber.h or grabber.h is enough for obtaining data from Kinect ? And also can anyone help me on functioning of pcd_io.h. Please post any proper documentation site or any site where it has been used.

Originally posted by Devasena Inupakutika on ROS Answers with karma: 320 on 2013-03-27

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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To answer the second question: The PCL homepage is a good starting point for everything PCL-related, including tutorials and the documentation of the io-module.

To integrate a kinect in ROS: have you tried setting it up using the openni_camera stack? The published topics can then easily be subscribed to and accessed using PCL (see PCL ROS overview).

Originally posted by Philip with karma: 990 on 2013-03-28

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2


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