Hi all,
I want to test the function of tabletop_segmentation.But when my node send a service request to /tabletop_segmentation, I always get messages indicate that "NO_CLOUD_RECEIVED".
[ INFO] [1355922807.919213857, 1093.482000000]: Tabletop detection service called; waiting for a point_cloud2 on topic /narrow_stereo_textured/points2
[ERROR] [1355922813.224946787, 1096.538000000]: Tabletop object detector: no point_cloud2 has been received
The problem is /tabletop_segmentation node receive no data from /narrow_stereo_textured/points2.(This topic exists, though)
To test /narrow_stereo_textured/points2, I started gazebo by
roslaunch manipulation_worlds pr2_table_object.launch
And I use rviz to see what /narrow_stereo_textured/points2 published, and I can see the content by changing Fixed frame from /map to /head_mount_kinect_ir_frame.
However, when I try to rostopic echo this topic, I got
rosfuerte@rosfuerte-K53SM:~/project/nlp/libsvm-3.14$ rostopic echo /narrow_stereo_textured/points2
WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active.
Is /clock being published?
And the segmentation fails as usual, does anyone know how to solve this problem? I want to test the function of segmentation alone. Thanks.
EDIT: This problem doesn't occur on another computer, which is also fuerte on ubuntu 12.04. I tried sudo apt-get dist-upgrade but I still got the error.
Originally posted by Po-Jen Lai on ROS Answers with karma: 1371 on 2012-12-19
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by allenh1 on 2012-12-26:
Are you adding the time to the message header on publication?
Comment by Po-Jen Lai on 2012-12-28:
This topic is published by Gazebo, I am not sure if I should modify the message header~
Comment by Tom Moore on 2013-11-13:
Are you playing data back from a bag file? Something set use_sim_time to true on the parameter server.