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I am running 2 nodes. One is polar_scan_matcher and the other one is my own node that publishes scan messages. Something is wrong somewhere because when the 2 nodes run at the same time, the publisher of the scan messages is being block as I received an error saying "WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published?" when I run "rostopic echo -c /scan"

As I run "rostopic list", I got these topics:/clock, /goal, /imu, /initialpose, /pose,/pose2D,/rosout, /rosout_agg,/scan,/tf.

What could be the possible culprit? How do I fix it?

Originally posted by alfa_80 on ROS Answers with karma: 1053 on 2011-11-24

Post score: 3


1 Answer 1


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It looks like you've somehow set the "use_sim_time" parameter to true, but you don't have a clock source (ie: rosbag play --clock or some other source, like Gazebo).

Since you're using tf, WallTime isn't an option.

You can check the status of the use_sim_time parameter by using rosparam.

rosparam get use_sim_time

And if it is set somehow, you can reverse it by running:

rosparam set use_sim_time false

Originally posted by Chad Rockey with karma: 4541 on 2011-11-24

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 8

Original comments

Comment by alfa_80 on 2011-11-24:
You're right..I've just changed the value in the launch file and that works..Thanks anyway.

Comment by alfa_80 on 2011-11-24:
Should I run/include this on in the launch file or running as a command? I've tried as a command, still not working..

Comment by v4hn on 2017-08-29:
Just one small addition because it confused one of my contacts: If you use Gazebo this does not apply to you. Gazebo publishes the /clock topic for you.

Comment by Petros ADLATUS on 2022-04-08:
@Chad Rockey I have a question to your recommendation with the flaf of the use_sim_time. In my launch file first I've set this to true, because I get the message about TF_OLD_DATA while playing my recorded bag file. But now I try to use a node and it seems, that the topics is published, but no messages are received (simulated time is active)


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