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I am a beginner with ROS. I am doing a simple task of writing a controller to move the PR2 arm through some predefined points. So, I need the values of [r_shoulder_pan_joint, r_shoulder_lift_joint, r_upper_arm_roll_joint, r_elbow_flex_joint, r_forearm_roll_joint, r_wrist_flex_joint, r_wrist_roll_joint] and similarly for the left arm, for each of these points. I move the PR2 arm through these points using the interactive manipulation, and am trying to listen to a topic to get these joint values. But I don't know what topic publishes these joint values. What topic should I subscribe to for this?

Originally posted by Mayank on ROS Answers with karma: 23 on 2012-06-05

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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IIRC: /joint_states

Originally posted by dornhege with karma: 31395 on 2012-06-05

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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