is it possible to just use the local planner?
My goal is just to detect obstacles in front of the robot and do some exploration.
Tried it in my own move_base class like that
costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS costmap("my_costmap", tf);
I also made config files for local and global costmap, and turned static_map to false.
But my code always says waiting for map ...
Edit: Now I also use gmapping to produce a map:
rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=base_scan
So my code runs and I only get a warning:
You have set map parameters, but also requested to use the static map. Your parameters will be overwritten by those given by the map server
I now also have a message "nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid".
So am I right that I can use this message and look for obstacles in the grid?
Or is there a better solution?
To just use the navigation stack is not an option for me ;)
Originally posted by madmax on ROS Answers with karma: 496 on 2012-05-12
Post score: 1