Hello all,
I'm trying to use this package in our navigation system. We want to fuse odometry + amcl + visual landmarks for localization, but the current version of the package can only fuse two odometry sources. So here the first question:
a) Any clue on when will be ready the version that listen to 'n' sensor sources stated in the roadmap?
By now, I'm just fussing odometry and visual landmarks, and use the output as the odometry feed for amcl. The TF tree resulting is:
map ---> odom ---> footprint
(amcl) (ekf)
I find this solution quite ugly, as the ideal scenario would be robot_pose_ekf providing the only correction between map and odom.
But by now this is the only way I have found to fuse the three localization sources.
b) Any advice about how to do it better?
Thank you very much for your help.
Originally posted by jorge on ROS Answers with karma: 2284 on 2012-03-15
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by maysamsh on 2013-11-06:
Did you find a solution for your problem? I'm trying to do similar task, fusing odometry data and landmark positions acquired by kinect.
Comment by jorge on 2013-11-06:
yes, but I think your case is different. I did a module for fussing an arbitrary number of global localization sources, as amcl and landmarks. You ask for odom-landmarks fusion, but they provide complementary information, so navi stack combines, not fuse, them (amcl tf section explains this well)
Comment by Mehdi. on 2015-08-06:
Hi Jorge, how did you solve your problem? Is your code open? I also need to combine amcl and global localization markers.
Comment by jorge on 2015-08-25:
Hi Mehdi, nop, unfortunatelly the code is not open. But it is not complicated, neither: just modify robot_pose_ekf to subscribe to global poses topics as the one published by amcl. Also, for the prediction step in the EKF filter, you should use the velocity measured by the odometry, but feel free
Comment by jorge on 2015-08-25:
to explore different options.