Hi there, i try to find any example of Twist_Message and cmd_vel example but i cant find it. If there any example that a subscriber listen to twist message using /cmd_vel topic. I try to drive a motor using arduino. Thank you.
Originally posted by MyloXyloto on ROS Answers with karma: 3 on 2012-03-14
Post score: 3
Original comments
Comment by MyloXyloto on 2012-03-25:
I not very familiar with Python. can you give me in C++ so i can directly compile it into arduino IDE ? Or you have servo motor subscriber example which is controlling by using ultrasonic sensor as a publisher ? Thnks in advance
Comment by mjcarroll on 2012-03-25:
From the tutorials, Servo Example: http://www.ros.org/wiki/rosserial_arduino/Tutorials/Servo%20Controller
Comment by mjcarroll on 2012-03-25:
From the tutorials: Rangefinder example: http://www.ros.org/wiki/rosserial_arduino/Tutorials/SRF08%20Ultrasonic%20Range%20Finder
Comment by MyloXyloto on 2012-03-26:
Thanks, but i already done this rosserial tutorials and it works perfectly. The main problem is to mix the Servo, Rangefinder, arduino and my main processor in C language. My main goal is to build an normal arduino obstacle avoidance robot which is implement by ROS.
Comment by MyloXyloto on 2012-03-26:
I believe, many people out there is not clear about this 'mixing' up method even though its a simple robot project. Sorry about that :)
Comment by mjcarroll on 2012-03-26:
So are you trying to do all of this on an Arduino? Or is there some interface to another computer?
Comment by MobileWill on 2013-10-25:
Have you taken a look at this https://github.com/hbrobotics/ros_arduino_bridge/
All the base code is done so it makes it much easier to get started and you can easily add support for different hardware.The readme gives a twist example, and it just enough to start playing with twist messages.