Ok, so I followed the directions for getting the web_interface stack installed and configured to talk to my Lego NXT bot.
The first time I hit the web page (from the same machine running the server) it asks me to set a new admin password. I set it to admin again. At that point I'm taken into the UI and can see some of the status stuff and messages and such.
If I close the browser and try to go into the page again though, using the admin/admin (which is what I set the "new" password to) it spins for a while and then I see the following message on the browser:
A copy of this error report has been submitted to the developers. The details of the error report are below. --> --> odb_Exception
DatabaseError("database is locked(INSERT INTO auth_login (uid,username,time,loginType,browserid,ipaddr) VALUES (1,'admin','1315528565.09',1,NULL,''))",) Traceback
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/web_interface/pyclearsilver/src/pyclearsilver/CSPage.py in start (self=<mod.login.cgibin.signin.SignInPage instance>)
1. 199 # call page main function!
2. 200 try:
3. 201 self.main()
4. 202 except DisplayDone:
* self = <mod.login.cgibin.signin.SignInPage instance>
* self.main = <bound method SignInPage.main of <mod.login.cgibin.signin.SignInPage instance>>
/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/web_interface/pyclearsilver/src/pyclearsilver/CSPage.py in main (self=<mod.login.cgibin.signin.SignInPage instance>)
1. 157 __call(self.setup)
2. 158
3. 159 self.handle_actions()
4. 160
5. 161 __call(self.display)
* self = <mod.login.cgibin.signin.SignInPage instance>
* self.handle_actions = <bound method SignInPage.handle_actions of <mod.login.cgibin.signin.SignInPage instance>>
/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/web_interface/pyclearsilver/src/pyclearsilver/CSPage.py in handle_actions (self=<mod.login.cgibin.signin.SignInPage instance>)
1. 177 method = getattr(self,method_name)
2. 178 if method.im_func.func_code.co_argcount == 2:
3. 179 apply(method,[hdf])
4. 180 else:
5. 181 apply(method,[])
* builtin apply = <built-in function apply>
* method = <bound method SignInPage.Action_Login of <mod.login.cgibin.signin.SignInPage instance>>
* hdf = <HDFObjectType object>
/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/web_interface/webui/src/webui/mod/login/cgibin/signin.py in Action_Login (self=<mod.login.cgibin.signin.SignInPage instance>, hdf=<HDFObjectType object>)
1. 134
2. 135 loginRow.loginType = 1
3. 136 loginRow.save()
4. 137
5. 138 cookieauth.issueLoginCookie(self.ncgi, self.authdb, q_username, userRec.pw_hash, q_persist)
* loginRow = Row from (auth_login): {'username': u'admin', 'u... 'browserid': None, 'time': 1315528565.0882859}{}
* loginRow.save = <bound method HdfRow.save of Row from (auth_logi...'browserid': None, 'time': 1315528565.0882859}{}>
/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/web_interface/pyclearsilver/src/pyclearsilver/odb.py in save (self=Row from (auth_login): {'username': u'admin', 'u... 'browserid': None, 'time': 1315528565.0882859}{}, cursor=None)
1. 2251
2. 2252 if self._should_insert:
3. 2253 toTable.r_insertRow(self,replace=self._should_replace)
4. 2254 self._should_insert = 0
5. 2255 self._should_replace = 0
* toTable = <auth.db_auth.UserLoginTable instance>
* toTable.r_insertRow = <bound method UserLoginTable.r_insertRow of <auth.db_auth.UserLoginTable instance>>
* self = Row from (auth_login): {'username': u'admin', 'u... 'browserid': None, 'time': 1315528565.0882859}{}
* replace undefined
* self._should_replace = 0
/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/web_interface/pyclearsilver/src/pyclearsilver/odb.py in r_insertRow (self=<auth.db_auth.UserLoginTable instance>, a_row_obj=Row from (auth_login): {'username': u'admin', 'u... 'browserid': None, 'time': 1315528565.0882859}{}, cursor=None, replace=0)
1. 1693 def r_insertRow(self,a_row_obj, cursor = None,replace=0):
2. 1694 curs = cursor
3. 1695 self.__insertRow(a_row_obj, cursor = curs,replace=replace)
4. 1696
5. 1697
* self = <auth.db_auth.UserLoginTable instance>
* self.__insertRow undefined
* a_row_obj = Row from (auth_login): {'username': u'admin', 'u... 'browserid': None, 'time': 1315528565.0882859}{}
* cursor = None
* curs = None
* replace = 0
/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/web_interface/pyclearsilver/src/pyclearsilver/odb.py in __insertRow (self=<auth.db_auth.UserLoginTable instance>, a_row_obj=Row from (auth_login): {'username': u'admin', 'u... 'browserid': None, 'time': 1315528565.0882859}{}, cursor=<pyclearsilver.odb_sqlite3.Cursor instance>, replace=0)
1. 1647 if string.find(str(reason), "Duplicate entry") != -1:
2. 1648 raise eDuplicateKey(reason)
3. 1649 raise odb_Exception(reason)
4. 1650
5. 1651 if self.__replication:
* global odb_Exception = <class 'pyclearsilver.odb.odb_Exception'>
* reason = DatabaseError("database is locked(INSERT INTO au...1,'admin','1315528565.09',1,NULL,''))",)
DatabaseError("database is locked(INSERT INTO auth_login (uid,username,time,loginType,browserid,ipaddr) VALUES (1,'admin','1315528565.09',1,NULL,''))",)
* args = ()
* message = DatabaseError("database is locked(INSERT INTO au...1,'admin','1315528565.09',1,NULL,''))",)
System Details
* Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2011 00:46:14 +0000
* Platform: Linux mkopack-VirtualBox 2.6.35-30-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 11 20:00:22 UTC 2011 i686
* Python: Python 2.6.6 (/usr/bin/python)
CGI.DocumentRoot = /var/www CGI.GatewayInterface = Python-CGI/1.1 CGI.PathInfo = CGI.PathTranslated = /var/www/login/signin.py CGI.QueryString = password=a02010600030ccdc9cc4b4c987&persist=0&Action.Login=1&request=%2Fwebui%2Fwebui%2F&username=admin CGI.RemoteAddress = CGI.RemotePort = 54474 CGI.RequestMethod = GET CGI.RequestURI = /webui/login/signin.py?password=a02010600030ccdc9cc4b4c987&persist=0&Action.Login=1&request=%2Fwebui%2Fwebui%2F&username=admin CGI.ScriptFilename = /var/www/webui CGI.ScriptName = /webui CGI.ServerAddress = CGI.ServerAdmin = webmaster@localhost CGI.ServerName = CGI.ServerPort = 80 CGI.ServerProtocol = HTTP/1.1 CGI.ServerSoftware = Apache/2.2.16 (Ubuntu) CGI.Today = CGI.Today.sec = 05 CGI.Today.min = 36 CGI.Today.24hour = 17 CGI.Today.hour = 5 CGI.Today.am = 0 CGI.Today.mday = 8 CGI.Today.mon = 9 CGI.Today.year = 2011 CGI.Today.2yr = 11 CGI.Today.wday = 4 CGI.Today.tzoffset = -0700 CGI.Robot = nxt_ros CGI.robot_type = nxt_ros CGI.hostport_prefix = CGI.ros_bridge_uri = CGI.BaseURI = /webui/ HTTP.Accept = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8 HTTP.AcceptCharset = ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 HTTP.AcceptEncoding = gzip,deflate HTTP.AcceptLanguage = en-us,en;q=0.5 HTTP.Host = HTTP.UserAgent = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110905 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.22 HTTP.Referer = Query.password = a02010600030ccdc9cc4b4c987 Query.persist = 0 Query.Action.Login = 1 Query.request = /webui/webui/ Query.username = admin hdf.loadpaths.1 = /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/web_interface/webui/src/webui/mod/login/templates hdf.loadpaths.2 = /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/web_interface/webui/src/webui/mod/webui/templates hdf.loadpaths.3 = /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/web_interface/webui/src/webui/mod/webui/jslib Config.CompressionEnabled = 1 Config.WhiteSpaceStrip = 1 cgiout.other.Content-Type = Content-Type: text/html cgiout.other.status = status: 200 cgiout.other.connection = connection: close
Originally posted by mkopack on ROS Answers with karma: 171 on 2011-09-13
Post score: 1