Hey everybody! Long time no write. I hope everyone's projects are going as good as possible.
I again find myself with a dumb question about gazebo. I need to do a world that looks like a soccer field. I know how to do the field, the walls and goals. But I have no idea on how to do the field lines. You know the goal line, the middle-field circle. Is just and aesthetics matter you see, since any rule concerning this lines can be easily done by code. Any way I'll like to make them. Know any example the gives me a hint? I've checked but the worlds I've seen just have walls. Should I make a Blender mesh? or texture? or what is supposed to be that?.
TLDR: What's the easiest way to add a "skin" to my soccer field world?
Thanks again for your time and help guys. Have a nice day ;)
Originally posted by Aidan1488 on ROS Answers with karma: 46 on 2011-07-27
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by Aidan1488 on 2011-07-27:
Thanks for your help :)
Comment by Asomerville on 2011-07-27:
I'd suggest that a more succinct summary would increase chances of a response. Paragraphs tend to get skipped over.