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I am trying to send goals to the move_base action server, as per the ROS tutorial . My action server is the one created by roslaunch move_base_amcl_2.5cm.launch from the navigation_stage package.

I always get the server error "Failed to find a valid control". This is also the case no matter what launch file I use from the navigation_stage package. I desperately want one single test case (no matter how simple) for which the base_local_planner is used to find the goal.

In addition, setting the initialpose from the command line hangs; the message is latched, but there is no effect in Stage.

FYI, my ros version is 1.2.4 and I use cturtle. As I have other packages working fine in this environment, I don't want to upgrade to diamondback and the newest nav stack unless there is no option.

Originally posted by PKG on ROS Answers with karma: 365 on 2011-06-25

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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I resolved the problem by installing diamondback with Boost 1.40.0. The boost threads I had was causing multiple issues, including crashing stage-ros frequently. Thanks, Eitan.

Originally posted by PKG with karma: 365 on 2011-06-30

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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