
Is anyone able to help me out getting IPC-bridge working on my ubuntu lucid installation (with matlab 2012a)? I'm not being able to finish the last step on here (Compiling the messages folders): https://alliance.seas.upenn.edu/~meam620/wiki/index.php?n=Roslab.IpcBridge#Installation

I'm able to rosmake the ipc_bridge_ros, however when i enter this "roscd ipc_roslib && make", it seems meX does not recognize the commands. Here is what i get (screen shot): http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/6031/screenshot20121108at191.png

NOTE: i'm going to use IPC-bridge so that i can control a pioneer 3DX and implement a Fast-slam algorithm in matlab.


1 Answer 1


That script is calling "mex" but it's getting pdfTex "mex" tool instead of the Matlab compiler.

Before running that script you need to adjust your PATH environment variable to put the Matlab binaries before your system ones. Assuming your Matlab binaries are located in /opt/matlab/bin that would look something like this:

export PATH=/opt/matlab/bin:$PATH
roscd ipc_roslib && make

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