Is it possible to use the household objects database with a custom objects set? What I mean is to use the same objects already in the database but instead of loading all of them to be able to specify which subset I want (by giving a list of model ids). Right now the only options that I know of are "REDUCED_MODEL_SET" and "" which gives me all the objects in the database
Here is an example of a part of a launch file where this is set.
<include file="$(find tabletop_object_detector)/launch/tabletop_node.launch"/>
<param name="/tabletop_node/use_database" value="true"/>
<param name="/tabletop_node/model_set" value="REDUCED_MODEL_SET" />
<param name="/tabletop_node/get_model_list_srv" value="/objects_database_node/get_model_list" />
<param name="/tabletop_node/get_model_mesh_srv" value="/objects_database_node/get_model_mesh" />
<node pkg="tabletop_collision_map_processing" name="tabletop_collision_map_processing"
type="tabletop_collision_map_processing_node" respawn="false" output="screen"/>
<param name="tabletop_collision_map_processing/get_model_mesh_srv"
value="/objects_database_node/get_model_mesh" />
Originally posted by Dimitar Simeonov on ROS Answers with karma: 535 on 2011-06-02
Post score: 0