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What's on the roadmap for tod_detecting such that I can see what I can expect in future revisions of tod_detecting? I'd be happy to have a rough frame about the bigger changes and improvements that are certainly to come, given the recent activity on this package.

Originally posted by Julius on ROS Answers with karma: 960 on 2011-03-28

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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tod_detecting is meant to go away in favor of a simpler and more generic object recognition ROS API: give me data and I'll tell you what's in there.

It will share components with TOD but also with our other object recognition pipelines.

Timeline: always easy to give one but harder to stick to it :) We are working on getting all that ready by the end of August.

Originally posted by Vincent Rabaud with karma: 1111 on 2011-06-09

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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