Hi Stefan,
A Warning:
All of the API's internal to the pr2_calibration stack are unstable and definitely could change. This code hasn't been API reviewed, and it definitely isn't as clean as many of our released and reviewed stacks. Although calibrating another robot is possible, it is definitely not a supported use case.
The techniques used in the pr2_calibration stack should port to any robot consisting of tilting lasers, monocular cameras, and stereo cameras. However, (as Dejan probably will agree), using the pr2_calibration stack on another robot will require significant reconfiguration. To get a feel for how much work must be done, the full configuration for calibrating the PR2 is in the pr2_calibration_launch
package. This consists mostly of yaml files and roslaunch files for capturing data, running the optimization, and generating a calibrated URDF. Porting these files to a new robot isn't trivial, but it is also significantly less work than writing a calibration pipeline from scratch.
If you do go down the path of porting pr2_calibration_launch
to your robot, please keep me in the loop, and I can try to provide advice along the way. Maybe Dejan can help too :-)
A Generalized Calibration Pipeline
Building a generalized calibration pipeline could definitely be a great benefit to the community. However, at Willow Garage, we currently don't have the resources to dedicate towards making the pr2_calibration
stack more portable.
Originally posted by vpradeep with karma: 760 on 2011-02-24
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 6