I am running into a strange issue with ros2 where bag data gets played back much too quickly. I have a ~12s recording of a pointcloud stream, but when visualizing the replay in RVIZ there are about 3-4 seconds between the first and last update to the point cloud. What seems to happen is that all the database files from the bag get decompressed and read one after the other, then once that's done all messages are dumped "at the same time". Inspecting the pointcloud topic with ros2 topic hz
also reveals a much faster rate than when recording.
Could this be an issue with my recording setup (multiple compressed sql files), QOS profile (which I leave at defaults) or some other synchronization issue? The data was recorded on a desktop install of ros2 galactic/Ubuntu 20.04 and the playback is happening with the same installation but through WSL on Windows 10.