Are there any decent/recommended tutorials around for transitioning to webots from gazebo Sim? Or at least setting up existing ROS 2 robots in webots?
I got a bit sick of trying to get the latest version of Gazebo working with Ros 2 Humble properly (ros2_control didn't seem to want to work at all) so I decided to give Webots a try and I'm loving it so far. But I'm still trying to get my head around how it all goes together since it seems very different to how a robot is integrated using Gazebo. Particularly getting velocity controllers working so I can get my cmd_vels into the Webots sim.
I have most of the samples working, but most of them seem to have the robot constructed in Webots and just interfacing with ROS 2 rather than importing everything through the ROS 2 Xacro pathway.
Any recommendations for resources on this area of ROS 2 and Webots?
Many thanks in advance