
I was following the Nav2 tutorial for setting up a robot which works as expected for a diff drive (the white front wheels are due to diffdrive not publishing transformation for these, that's ok):

enter image description here

Then, i replaced the diffdrive plugin for my use case with the ackermann plugin, however, all transformations are empty and the wheels/links all collapse to the base_link:

enter image description here

Using my URDF and with the joint_state_publisher_gui without Gazebo works as expected:

enter image description here

The plugin is set up as specified in its docs:

      <plugin name="gazebo_ros_ackermann_drive" filename="libgazebo_ros_ackermann_drive.so">
          <!-- <remapping>cmd_vel:=cmd_demo</remapping> -->
          <!-- <remapping>odom:=odom_demo</remapping> -->
          <!-- <remapping>distance:=distance_demo</remapping> -->
          <!-- <parameter name="cmd_vel_topic" value="cmd_demo"/> -->
          <!-- <parameter name="odom_topic" value="odom_demo"/> -->
          <!-- <parameter name="distance_topic" value="distance_demo"/> -->

        <!-- wheels -->

        <!-- Max absolute steer angle for tyre in radians-->
        <!-- Any cmd_vel angular z greater than this would be capped -->

        <!-- Max absolute steering angle of steering wheel -->

        <!-- Max absolute linear speed in m/s -->

        <!-- PID tuning -->
        <left_steering_pid_gain>1500 0 1</left_steering_pid_gain>
        <left_steering_i_range>0 0</left_steering_i_range>
        <right_steering_pid_gain>1500 0 1</right_steering_pid_gain>
        <right_steering_i_range>0 0</right_steering_i_range>
        <linear_velocity_pid_gain>1000 0 1</linear_velocity_pid_gain>
        <linear_velocity_i_range>0 0</linear_velocity_i_range>

        <!-- output -->

        <!-- disable tf -->


If someone has a suggestion why diffdrive works as expected and ackermann does not, i would highly appreciate some pointers, i already excluded the STL bug in the ackermann plugin.


1 Answer 1


I updated all inertias, collision model and made them reasonble in magnitude, that helped

  • $\begingroup$ What do you mean by reasonable? Any examples or exact figures? $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 16 at 15:47
  • $\begingroup$ Sorry, I am unable to reproduce what exactly caused this but I saw some NaN entries $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 17 at 16:19

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