
I am a beginner at ROS and trying to migrate a ROS 1 package to ROS 2. I followed most steps from links 1 and 2. I also commented some lines in package.xml, CMakeLists.txt and my .cpp file which I assume is not needed for now.

When I run colcon build, it comes out with the error:

--- stderr: ros_braccio_opencv_obj_detect_grab                             
/home/sany/ros2_braccio/src/braccio_opencv_ws/src/ros_braccio_opencv_obj_detect_grab/parse_and_publish/parse_and_publish.cpp:8:10: fatal error: std_msgs/msg/MultiArrayLayout.hpp: No such file or directory
    8 | #include "std_msgs/msg/MultiArrayLayout.hpp"
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
gmake[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/parse_and_publish.dir/build.make:76: CMakeFiles/parse_and_publish.dir/parse_and_publish/parse_and_publish.cpp.o] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:137: CMakeFiles/parse_and_publish.dir/all] Error 2
gmake: *** [Makefile:146: all] Error 2
Failed   <<< ros_braccio_opencv_obj_detect_grab [3.08s, exited with code 2]

Summary: 0 packages finished [3.54s]
  1 package failed: ros_braccio_opencv_obj_detect_grab
  1 package had stderr output: ros_braccio_opencv_obj_detect_grab

This is the package.xml file. (Commented was mostly the ROS 1 code)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package format="2">
  <description>The ros_braccio_opencv_obj_detect_grab package</description>

  <maintainer email="[email protected]">stedn</maintainer>






This is the CMakeLists.txt (where commented is ROS1 code as previously)

#cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)


  add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)

 ## Find catkin and any catkin packages
#find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp sensor_msgs)
find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED)
find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED)
find_package(sensor_msgs REQUIRED)
find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED)

## Declare a catkin package

#include_directories(include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})

add_executable(parse_and_publish parse_and_publish/parse_and_publish.cpp)

#target_link_libraries(parse_and_publish ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

#install(DIRECTORY launch urdf stl rviz parse_and_publish
install(DIRECTORY launch urdf stl rviz parse_and_publish
install(DIRECTORY include/
  DESTINATION include)

#add_dependencies(parse_and_publish std_msgs)
ament_target_dependencies(parse_and_publish std_msgs)

#  PROGRAMS scripts/braccio_xy_plane.py

  PROGRAMS scripts/braccio_xy_plane.py


This is the .cpp file. (again ROS1 code is commented)

//#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp"

//#include "std_msgs/MultiArrayLayout.h"
//#include "std_msgs/MultiArrayDimension.h"
//#include "std_msgs/UInt8MultiArray.h"
//#include "sensor_msgs/JointState.h"
#include "std_msgs/msg/MultiArrayLayout.hpp"
#include "std_msgs/msg/MultiArrayDimension.hpp"
#include "std_msgs/msg/UInt8MultiArray.hpp"
#include "sensor_msgs/msg/JointState.hpp"

#define PI 3.1416

// Umrechnung Radian->Degree
// pi=180°
// aRadien/pi*180

 * This tutorial demonstrates simple receipt of messages over the ROS system.
uint _DataArray[6];

void chatterCallback(const sensor_msgs::JointState::ConstPtr& msg)
  int i=0;
  for(i=0; i<6; i++)
    //ROS_INFO("I heard: [%d]", uint((msg->position[i])/PI*180));
    _DataArray[i]= uint((msg->position[i])/PI*180);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   * The ros::init() function needs to see argc and argv so that it can perform
   * any ROS arguments and name remapping that were provided at the command line.
   * For programmatic remappings you can use a different version of init() which takes
   * remappings directly, but for most command-line programs, passing argc and argv is
   * the easiest way to do it.  The third argument to init() is the name of the node.
   * You must call one of the versions of ros::init() before using any other
   * part of the ROS system.
  //ros::init(argc, argv, "parse_and_publish");
  rclcpp::init(argc, argv);

   * NodeHandle is the main access point to communications with the ROS system.
   * The first NodeHandle constructed will fully initialize this node, and the last
   * NodeHandle destructed will close down the node.
  //ros::NodeHandle n;
  auto node = rclcpp::Node::make_shared("parse_and_publish");

   * The subscribe() call is how you tell ROS that you want to receive messages
   * on a given topic.  This invokes a call to the ROS
   * master node, which keeps a registry of who is publishing and who
   * is subscribing.  Messages are passed to a callback function, here
   * called chatterCallback.  subscribe() returns a Subscriber object that you
   * must hold on to until you want to unsubscribe.  When all copies of the Subscriber
   * object go out of scope, this callback will automatically be unsubscribed from
   * this topic.
   * The second parameter to the subscribe() function is the size of the message
   * queue.  If messages are arriving faster than they are being processed, this
   * is the number of messages that will be buffered up before beginning to throw
   * away the oldest ones.
  //ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("joint_states", 6, chatterCallback); not sure if needed

  //ros::Publisher pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::UInt8MultiArray>("joint_array", 6);
  auto pub = node->create_publisher<std_msgs::msg::UInt8MultiArray>("joint_array",6);
  //ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
  rclcpp::Rate loop_rate(10);

  while (rclcpp::ok())
    //std_msgs::UInt8MultiArray array;
    std_msgs::msg::UInt8MultiArray array;
    //Clear array

    //for loop, pushing data in the size of the array
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    //assign array a random number between 0 and 255.


   * ros::spin() will enter a loop, pumping callbacks.  With this version, all
   * callbacks will be called from within this thread (the main one).  ros::spin()
   * will exit when Ctrl-C is pressed, or the node is shutdown by the master.

  return 0;

I know it is a lot to digest but what should be the reason for not being able to find the MultiArrayLayout.hpp? Maybe a missing line in the package.xml or CMakeLists.txt when migrating from ROS1 to ROS2.

Thanks in advanced!


2 Answers 2


For all the srv/msg naming convention in ROS 2, here is the article.

TL;DR (for your question)

  • If name of file is MultiArrayLayout.msg (alphanumeric characters with an upper camel case name), include name for c++ will be multi_array_layout.hpp
  • Name of the fields must be lowercase alphanumeric characters with underscores for separating words.

In /opt/ros/jazzy/include/std_msgs/std_msgs/msg, there are multi_array_layout.h and multi_array_layout.hpp.

I think naming rule was changed.


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