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I have two machines, one is a master(running roscore) and the second is a slave. Until now I set manually the time for each computer. Now, I want to do set it automatically. I searched a lot of options in the internet but I couldn't configure well the configurations. I tried chrony,ntp,ntpdate and nothing happened. I think that our ISP is blocking the access for these ntp servers. I also tried to get the time from the ntp server of our ISP but I think that I don't understand very well this subject. I want to know if there is a simple tutorial how I can take the ros time from the master to be on the slave machine. I prefer to not use a ntp server. I believe that there is a simple way to do that.

I will happy if someone can give me a link or instructions for that problem.

Originally posted by Aviad on ROS Answers with karma: 96 on 2019-12-02

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by gvdhoorn on 2019-12-02:\

I want to know if there is a simple tutorial how I can take the ros time from the master to be on the slave machine. I prefer to not use a ntp server.

that's exactly what chrony does can do.


1 Answer 1


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So, I tried again with chrony and I found a simple explanation how to do that. Now it works. If someone want the link for that is here: chrony_setup

Originally posted by Aviad with karma: 96 on 2019-12-02

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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