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I'm trying to protect the input data stream into my robot, but not by subscribing to joy. Rather I'd like to add joy code into my cpp or just directly get the info from /dev/input/js0. I am using ROS Kinetic.

I've searched and haven't been able to quite find the answer that will work with ROS.

I appreciate any help, and would be happy to answer any questions to help.

Originally posted by jamesR on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2018-08-14

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by gvdhoorn on 2018-08-14:
Well: my first question would be: what do you hope to gain by that? I'm particularly interested in your "I'm trying to protect the input data stream to my robot" remark there.

Comment by jarvisschultz on 2018-08-14:
You could always start by modifying the source code from the joystick_drivers package to do what you desire with the /dev/js0 data instead of publishing it to /joy

Comment by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2018-08-15:
Are you trying to 'hide' the joystick values from the wider ROS system?


1 Answer 1


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Are you sure that you can not do what you need by setting the device or device name parameters in joy?

You might also consider combining this with some udev rules.

Originally posted by qnetjoe with karma: 30 on 2018-08-14

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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