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I am trying to build the val_description package in my catkin workspace as shown in this page. But i'm getting below errors: image description

Originally posted by dinesh on ROS Answers with karma: 932 on 2017-07-24

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by allenh1 on 2017-07-24:
could you please provide a little more information? The link you provided gives us (me at least) a directory on their GitLab instance, but not any kind of instruction.

A little bit more of the CMake output would be useful as well.

Comment by dinesh on 2017-07-24:
the link was little bit forwarded page, i've updated it now. what i did is simply downloaded the package in my catkin workspace and than try to build it using command catkin_make but i got above error.

Comment by allenh1 on 2017-07-24:
Which rosdistro are you using?

nvm -- I see you're using indigo


1 Answer 1


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The error here is that the build is trying to run git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD and it's failing. The error output isn't included, but I suspect it's because it isn't running in a git repository.

It looks like you need to clone the repository with git instead of downloading a tarball.

Originally posted by ahendrix with karma: 47576 on 2017-07-25

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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