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Hello everyone !

I know there's already a post about this subject : http://answers.ros.org/question/229246/how-to-build-opencv-extra-module-while-opencv-is-installed-with-ros/ but there's no answer.

OpenCV3 is included with ROS Kinetic. Is there a way to install opencv extra-modules while opencv is already installed ?

Thank you for your help !

Originally posted by matt27110 on ROS Answers with karma: 98 on 2017-03-06

Post score: 4


1 Answer 1


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Hey Matt,

the OpenCV package that is installed with ROS already include the extra-modules with exception of the neural networks I guess. Have a look at the opencv3 ros package. The question how to compile and install only the extra-modules is a question I also interested in. But until now I get now answer for it, too.



Originally posted by Mondi with karma: 51 on 2017-04-06

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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