running a virtual machine as the master and having trouble getting rostopic to get data.
always asks if my messages are built.
Is there a way to confirm that they are built?
Edit: I noted my question was vague without details...
I attempt
rostopic ech /turtle1/cmd_vel
ERROR: Cannot load message class for [geometry_msgs/Twist]. Are your messages built?
Some googling says I should be able to run sudo netcat
from both directions, but I can only do it one way..... still working on it.....
if I run (on virtual Machine MASTER (lvbuser001-VirtualBox)): sudo netcat -l 1234
and run (on ARMv7 (chip)): sudo netcat lvbuser001-VirtualBox 1234
it works!
if I run (on ARMv7 (chip)): sudo netcat -l 1234
and run (on virtual Machine MASTER): sudo netcat chip 1234
it fails!
Originally posted by w on ROS Answers with karma: 99 on 2017-01-31
Post score: 0