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Q1: Why does API split into 3 parts, ROS, C++, Python respectively?

Q2: Why some of them are identical in the same row, while others different?

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Originally posted by shawnysh on ROS Answers with karma: 339 on 2016-11-23

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Actually, you basically copied the answer in here as well :-)

ROS: functionality available via ROS topics and services

C++: functionality available in C++ libraries

Python: functionality available in Python modules/packages

ROS has client libraries, roscpp and rospy that allow you to use ROS functionalities in C++ and Python code, respectively.

So, you have a C++ API, to e.g. use Publishers and Subscribers, as well as a Python API. Those two are obviously different. From the outside, a topic looks, however, the same, wether it comes from a python or a C++ node. You can manipulate this e.g. using the topic_tools package, which are just ROS nodes written in either C++ or python.

However, this is only a very rough overview, don't get stuck too much on this list.

Originally posted by mgruhler with karma: 12390 on 2016-11-23

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by shawnysh on 2016-11-23:
I thought those 3 lines roughly are my answer, yet I confused, so I post it to look for a clear explanation.

Thanks for your patient and clear reply, it helps!


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