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I have built a 2 wheel robot and I have been trying for hours to put a correct caster wheel on it. I followed the logic of this code in which a sphere with a fixed joint is used and I managed to make it work (or I thought so) until I commanded my robot to move. The movement was totally wrong. With the fixed joint sphere, the robot was bumping like crazy. Is there another way to create a caster wheel ?

Thanks for answering and for your time in advance.

Originally posted by patrchri on ROS Answers with karma: 354 on 2016-07-29

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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I fixed the bumping of the robot by increasing the weight of the base_link. Now the movement seems smooth.

Originally posted by patrchri with karma: 354 on 2016-07-30

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by vinit_sarode on 2017-03-19:
Adding mass in base_link has solved my problem of bumping or jerky motion of robot. Thank you.


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