I just got a Raspberry Pi 2 for my birthday. I have a current robot project involving a Wild Thumper chassis and recently asked a question here regarding installing ROS on a Radxa Rock Pro.
Unfortunately, my Radxa board is experiencing some network problems (i.e. no network), and because I have limited time before the next semester in college begins, and of course, because I got this new Raspberry Pi model 2, I've decided instead to use it for the robot and for running ROS.
I've been doing initial research, reading through questions & answers here, as well as in the wiki. It's my current understanding that the two most popular ways for running ROS on a Raspberry Pi 2 include
Both appear to be quite popular and well-documented. Can anyone advise me as to which is better, if there is such a qualitative distinction between the two methods?
What are the pros and cons of using each?
I know Raspbian is the official Raspberry Pi distro and is designed to work best with the Pi, but Ubuntu is the official ROS distro, and the UbuntuARM method has been around longer (please correct me if I'm mistaken). Also, again if I'm not mistaken, the ROSBerryPi method requires installing from source, right?
Originally posted by tommytwoeyes on ROS Answers with karma: 57 on 2015-12-20
Post score: 1