The rosaria installation is successful, but when type catkin_make, the command line shows that: ~/src/rosaria/RosAria.cpp:6:25: fatal error: Aria/Aria.h: could not find such file or directory : Aria/Aria.h
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [rosaria/CMakeFiles/RosAria.dir/RosAria.cpp.o] error 1
make[1]: *** [rosaria/CMakeFiles/RosAria.dir/all] error 2
How to solve it? Thanks a lot!
Originally posted by yujunzeng on ROS Answers with karma: 13 on 2014-11-04
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by ReedHedges on 2014-12-03:
The ARIA library should have been downloaded and installed when you used rosdep update
and rosdep install rosaria
( What was the output of those commands, any errors?
Comment by ReedHedges on 2014-12-03:
Note that rosdep install rosaria
builds and installs ARIA differently than the normal package from Adept MobileRobots. You can skip that if you want, in which case RosAria should when built use the normal Adept install location /usr/local/Aria instead... but either way ARIA needs to be installed