i created a simple package for listner.cpp and talker.cpp. i already build my package. when i run "rosrun firstpack talker", it run successfully and print "hello world". when i open new tab and run my listener node it give me error .
chhonkar@chhonkar-pc:~/Desktop/catkin$ rosrun firs[rospack] Warning: error while crawling /home/chhonkar: boost::filesystem::status: Permission denied: "/home/chhonkar/.gvfs" tpack listner [rosrun] Couldn't find executable named listner below /home/chhonkar/Desktop/catkin/src/firstpack
Both node run successfully when i run it alone. but when i run another node, it return error. my questions are Q1- " what is this error?" Q2 - "why my node run alone but when i execute one after another, it fails and return above error"?
Originally posted by ASHISH CHHONKAR on ROS Answers with karma: 41 on 2014-10-30
Post score: 2