Hello all.
I just did all the basic tutorials. I am still trying to understand a basic concept of ROS:
1)What exactly is the relation of nodes and packages?
I want to create a program and I want to use some of the packages that ROS has, do I need to make a package or can I make a node with out a packages so I can run the code correctly? For starters I want to be able to use OpenCV + PCL + Kinect + OpenNI, later I want to use even more packages for other nodes. But I can't understand if I need to make a package or only a node.
I was also was trying to import the tutorial package (beginner_tutorials) to an IDE (Qt Creator) but I don't know if I need to build the program before I try to inport it. Also do I add the CMakeList under src or the one in the package?
I am using the catkin way on Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS indigo. I am (as you can see) really noob/new so please give if possible any details.
Originally posted by Metalzero2 on ROS Answers with karma: 293 on 2014-08-25
Post score: 0