I work with PR2 which runs on ubuntu 12.4 and ros Groovy. I am trying to get Hokuyo base laser data from a machine under ubuntu which is not the base station. I ran a robot start on an admin account (logged with ssh) and then tried to get the laser data using "rostopic echo /base_scan" on my machine. The node waits indefinitly, giving no data. When I run "rostopic echo /base_scan" from the ssh connected to the robot: I correctly receive the data.
I think it may be a setup problem with ROS yet we can see the image_view of the camera from my machine using "$rosrun image_view image_view image=:/wide_stereo/left/image_color"
I checked all the environments variables: ROS_IP=my_IP and ROS_MASTER_URI= robot_IP. On the dashboard, there is no warning messages about lasers.
When I run "roswtf" I get:
ERROR: connection refused to []
ERROR: Unknown host [pr1043s] for node [/two_hd_monitor]
ERROR: Unknown host [pr1043s] for node [/two_cpu_monitor]
ERROR: Unknown host [pr1043s] for node [/joy]
ERROR: Unknown host [pr1043s] for node [/base_hokuyo_node]
ERROR: Unknown host [pr1043s] for node [/tilt_hokuyo_node]
ERROR: Unknown host [pr1043s] for node [/ocean_server]
ERROR: connection refused to []
ERROR: Unknown host [pr1043s] for node [/ntp_c2]
Where I recognize hokuyo laser but I don't know how to solve the problem.
Anyone ever encoutered this problem? What can I do to get more infos about my problem?
Originally posted by scarlett on ROS Answers with karma: 170 on 2014-02-17
Post score: 1