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Hi Everyone,

I am trying to install the Desktop version of Hydro on Mac OS X using Homebrew. I am following the instructions as mentioned on the installation page. But when I try to generate the rosinstall file for downloading and building the ROS stack, my rosinstall_generator command for desktop version generates an empty file with following prompt: No packages/stacks left after applying the exclusions

As mentioned on the installation page, here is the command I used: rosinstall_generator desktop --rosdistro hydro --deps --dry-only > hydro-desktop-dry.rosinstall

I did install rosinstall_generator using pip in the earlier steps. Still, I tried updating it using the pip. Did anyone else face this issue? What am I missing over here?

Thanks, Jasprit

Originally posted by jaspritsgill on ROS Answers with karma: 88 on 2013-09-29

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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You're asking for desktop with the --dry-only option. However there are no dry packages in desktop which is why it is giving you an empty list. You should be using --wet-only.

See the instructions here: http://wiki.ros.org/hydro/Installation/OSX/Homebrew/Source for hydro on OS X.

Originally posted by tfoote with karma: 58457 on 2013-09-29

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by jaspritsgill on 2013-09-30:
I am trying to build the rosbuild packages, hence --dry-only. The instructions say that for BARE-BONES no dry packages are required but desktop does. is that changed in hydo? For building catkin wrkspces I did use --wet-only. I will try proceeding if there are no packages for Desktop too.

Comment by Artem on 2013-10-01:
I am having the same issue, trying to install full-desktop. Im getting "No packages/stacks left after applying the exclusions". Is this situation normal?

Comment by jaspritsgill on 2013-10-01:
It seems so. I checked for full-desktop too and I got the same. I guess there are no dry packages for Hydro desktop, as tfoote mentioned. The installation instructions are not updated it seems. I proceeded with the installation with no dry packages and it seems to be working fine so far.

Comment by tfoote on 2013-10-01:
The instructions were out of date. That is expected as there are no released rosbuild packages in hydro. I've updated the instructions to make a note and remove the out of date lines.

Comment by jaspritsgill on 2013-10-03:
Thanks tfoote!


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