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Hey, I have a ros application that has a GUI on top of it. When I close the window from the GUI, I call ros::shutdown() in all of my nodes. I checked to make sure I was killing all my nodes by using rosnode list. All my nodes are shutdown but rosout is still alive. Is there a way to get rosout to shutdown without SIGINT? I would like my program to exit cleanly when the GUI window closes.


Originally posted by kaoao on ROS Answers with karma: 17 on 2013-06-26

Post score: 0


2 Answers 2


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I think rosout is kept alive by the roscore process. If you didn't want to send a SIGINT, you could try the answer on this question and add required="true" to one of your nodes that shuts down. That's if the core was launched with the launch file, of course.

Originally posted by thebyohazard with karma: 3562 on 2013-06-26

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by kaoao on 2013-06-27:
thanks, that works :D


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rosout is started and stopped by roscore. You do not need to shut it down manually. In fact, if you did shut it down, roscore would restart it.

Originally posted by Dan Lazewatsky with karma: 9115 on 2013-06-26

This answer was NOT ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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