I have this 2D Eigen Matrix called map and I wish to publish it using a rostopic but it gives some unkown error. Here is my code.
ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise<Eigen::MatrixXd>("topic_map_info", 1000);
ros::Rate loop_rate(0.1);
MatrixXd map = MatrixXd::Random(10,10);
while (ros::ok())
below is part of the error:
In static member function ‘static const char* ros::message_traits::MD5Sum::value(const M&) [with M = Eigen::Matrix<double, -0x00000000000000001, -0x00000000000000001>]’: /opt/ros/fuerte/include/ros/message_traits.h:255:104: instantiated from ‘const char* ros::message_traits::md5sum(const M&) [with M = Eigen::Matrix<double, -0x00000000000000001, -0x00000000000000001>]’ /opt/ros/fuerte/include/ros/publisher.h:112:7: instantiated from ‘void ros::Publisher::publish(const M&) const [with M = Eigen::Matrix<double, -0x00000000000000001, -0x00000000000000001>]’ /home/khan/fuerte_workspace/sandbox/lawn_mover/src/node_map.cpp:98:28: instantiated from here /opt/ros/fuerte/include/ros/message_traits.h:126:34: error: ‘const class Eigen::Matrix<double, -0x00000000000000001, -0x00000000000000001>’ has no member named ‘__getMD5Sum’
Originally posted by Mudassir Khan on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2013-04-02
Post score: 0