Hello all,
I am trying to execute some trajectories on my robot using the simple_trajectory.cpp tutorial.
I am able to see my controller using rostopic echo /r_arm_controller and it shows me everything I want. However when I execute my moves I get this error:
[ERROR] [1360184059.110097449]: Client [/right_joint_trajectory_action] wants topic /r_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action/goal to have datatype/md5sum [control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal/8f3e00277a7b5b7c60e1ac5be35ddfa2], but our version has [pr2_controllers_msgs/JointTrajectoryActionGoal/aee77e81e3afb8d91af4939d603609d8]. Dropping connection.
It looks pretty self explanitory but I wanted some claification. So my action server uses [control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal] for topic of publishing on and my action client uses [pr2_controllers_msgs/JointTrajectoryActionGoal]. Which of these should I conform to?
I am not using a pr2 robot so I am thinking of using control_msgs, but I want to know if one is better than the other. Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards, Martin
Originally posted by MartinW on ROS Answers with karma: 464 on 2013-02-06
Post score: 1