I'm trying to install the openrave ROS package for Fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04, but I can't find it (nothing looking like ros-fuerte-openrave... in the available packages in the repositories).
The wiki page http://ros.org/wiki/openrave says "Cannot load information on name: openrave, distro: fuerte" so I don't know where should I get the source code from to install the package from source.
Does anyone know how could I install this package?
Edit: I've found this question http://answers.ros.org/question/32866/installing-openrave-package/ where the code of the openrave_planning (that happens to contain the package I need) is checked out from:
svn co https://jsk-ros-pkg.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jsk-ros-pkg/trunk/openrave_planning
I assume this is the right repo, but still the wiki doesn't point to the right data, and no package for this stack exists in the ROS fuerte ubuntu repositories.
Originally posted by toniOliver on ROS Answers with karma: 159 on 2013-01-09
Post score: 1