I have a robot with 2 identical cameras that I need to distinguish between at runtime. The only thing that tells me which is which is the serial number and which of the two ports they appear on is random.
Not a problem. I have a script that will check that for me and will return 0 or 1 depending on which camera it detects on which port. I have also tried it with 'true' and 'false'
I'm trying to use this in my launch file so that when the robot starts up it auto detect and configure the ports.
<param if = "$bash (find uvc_camera) serial_loc.sh" name = "left/device" type = "string" value = "/dev/video1"/>
When I run this I get:
Invalid <node> tag: $bash (find uvc_camera) serial_loc.sh is not a 'bool' type.
The http://www.ros.org/wiki/roslaunch/XML page says:
"All tags support if and unless attributes, which include or exclude a tag based on the evaluation of a value. "1" and "true" are considered true values. "0" and "false" are considered false values. Other values will error. "
Has anyone tried to do something similar and if so how do you get ROS to recognize the bool?
Ros Electric, Ubuntu 11.10
Originally posted by DocSmiley on ROS Answers with karma: 127 on 2012-08-31
Post score: 1