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I am working on stage simulator in ROS with multiple robots. I have written a code to move robot in stage simulator. When I try to run that code on 2 or 3 robots in stage, every robot has some different speed. Robot that starts moving first have high speed.

In player-stage we run .cfg file using player. Separate ports are assigned in .cfg file in case of multiple robots. i.e.

name "stage"
provides ["6665:position2d:0"
model "bob1"

But I am confused that how multiple robots are separated in stage-simulator in ros?

Can I run each robot on separate port in ROS?


Originally posted by abdullah on ROS Answers with karma: 81 on 2012-07-15

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by joq on 2012-07-15:
You probably need to collect more information for anyone to answer a question like this.

Comment by abdullah on 2012-07-20:
@Arkapravo Thanks a lot. I was very much confused. Have you run navigation-stage tutorial? When we use move_base with multiple robots, robots have same speed.


1 Answer 1


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@abdullah I am not sure about fuerte, but electric and diamondback did not have such a support for multi-robot simulations. http://answers.ros.org/question/11192/swarm-robotics-facility-in-ros/

Originally posted by Arkapravo with karma: 1108 on 2012-07-19

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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